Sunday, May 04, 2008

(I've seen) better days. Debt. Regret.

Things have been rough for the past couple of weeks.
I've taken Joey to the emergency room three times. They still don't know why the things that are happening to her are happening. It's bad. She's functioning, still working, but not doing well at all.

And I had to trade in my car. Unless you can afford to rebuild a transmission, then it's time to go way into debt, even for a used car, all over again. I hope I come to love the new (used) car like I did my old Saturn. That car was not much different from a lifetime pet... except it didn't live as long. But almost eleven years is good for a car. Cars can live for decades, but that takes bucks and the right parts and determination.

I may have even been lucky. I went on Friday night to browse the Saturn pre-owned lot and saw a cute little Kia I could afford. I checked out it's history and it's rating and thought I'd go check on it.
When I got to the lot, a young girl and her parents were ogling the car. My chagrin was only momentary because the dealer had an even better Kia that hadn't been detailed for show yet.
Bam! Upgraded from a very simple car I was trading in to a car with adjustable lumbar supports and power everything.
Then I had to whittle them down to a payment I can do. (Did someone say "Try and find a second job?")

And I put myself on edge a few days ago. I just foolishly felt compelled to respond to a blog entry of someone I don't personally know but have a great deal of respect for and maybe I should have just not said anything. Sometimes you mean the very best but it just doesn't come out that way. The thought that you may have offended someone when you had absolutely no intention to is one of the most awful feelings there is.
Why do I sometimes get the idea that what I have to say just needs to be said?
I don't think the person I may have offended even reads my blog, but I am sorry if any offense was perceived. I didn't mean to negate your thought. I meant to compliment you.
I just foolishly felt like my interpretation needed to be shared and it really didn't.
Sometimes I don't know when to exercise discretion.
**I'm very sorry if I offended. It was not my intent. Please accept my apology.**

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At 9:06 PM, Blogger Judith HeartSong said...

I am always interested in what you have to say, and you are one of the kindest and gentlest souls I have known in a long time. Maybe you were meant to be the catalyst for some sort of change on that other person's part. Often things happen for a reason.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant imagine you being offensive my dear.....ever......dont sweat the small stuff babe


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