Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Illegal love

Saint Valentine was a martyred, according to legend, for marrying Romans in secret.
Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage because he saw love and family as the primary reason that men would not come to soldier for him
Valentine defied the emperor and conducted ceremonies in secret around 270 A.D.
For espousing love and togetherness, he was clubbed and beheaded.

Perfect set-up for talking about gay marriage and the amendment on the ballot in Florida that could destroy any chance of civil unions being allowed in Florida which will also spell trouble for any unmarried couple.

In the name of righteousness, priests and preachers are exhorting parishioners to vote for oppression, to quash civil liberties, to sneer at their fellow humans and say, "I am better than you. You are not worthy of the rights, privileges and responsibilities that I am worthy of."

They really don't realize what they are doing. All the really know, and all they care to know is it makes them feel so very good about themselves. There is no question, "Could I be wrong?"
People who are brain-washed do not question what they have been told.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
Aristotle - Greek critic, philosopher, physicist, & zoologist (384 BC - 322 BC)

What's next? Barring gay men, lesbians, transgender people, transexual people, bisexual and all others who are not just exactly heterosexual from restaurants, making them live in ghettoes, marking their stores and business with pink triangles, relocating them to camps with showers and ovens?

Oh yes. It can happen here when people, who think they are good people, don't think
and when people who could and should say something, don't.

It's not just about two people making a commitment to each other...
but I have to ask you, what's wrong with that?

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